What is Enhanced Object Literal in Javascript?

Enhanced object literals, also known as ES6 object literals. it is  set of new features introduced in ES2015 that make it easier to create and work with objects in JavaScript. Here are some of the key features of enhanced object literals: Concise property initialization:  You can now initialize object properties using a more concise syntax, especially when the variable names match the property names you want to assign.   For example: // ES5 code var name = 'John Doe'; var age = 30; var person = {   name: name,   age: age }; // ES6 code const name = 'John Doe'; const age = 30; const person = { name, age }; Computed property names:  You can now use expressions as property names, making it easier to create dynamic objects.   For example: // ES5 code var key = 'name'; var obj = {}; obj[key] = 'John Doe'; // ES6 code const key = 'name'; const obj = { [key]: 'John Doe' }; Method shorthand:  You can now define methods directly in object literals...

how to use twilio to verify OTP

How to use Twilio verify service to send and verify OTP

Sending and verifying OTPs (One-Time Passwords) is a common task for many applications. In this post, I will show you how to do this using Twilio's Verify service, a cloud-based service that allows you to verify phone numbers by sending a one-time code to the number and then checking that the code entered by the user matches the one sent.

Step 1: Get your Twilio credentials

To get started, you will need to sign up for a Twilio account and get your account SID and auth token. These are your unique credentials that will be used to authenticate with the Twilio API. You can sign up for a free Twilio account here: https://www.twilio.com/try-twilio

Step 2: Install the Twilio Node.js library

To use the Twilio Verify service in your Node.js application, you will need to install the Twilio Node.js library. You can do this by running the following command in your terminal:

npm install twilio

Step 3: Send the OTP

Once you have the Twilio library installed, you can use it to send an OTP to a phone number using the following code:

const accountSid = process.env.TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID;
const authToken = process.env.TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN;
const twilioServiceSid = process.env.TWILIO_SERVICE_SID;
const twilio = require('twilio');
const client = new twilio(accountSid, authToken);

async function sendOTP(phoneNumber) {
    const verification = await client.verify.services(twilioServiceSid)
        .create({ to: phoneNumber, channel: 'sms' });
    console.log("verification", verification);
    return verification;

Step 4: Verify the OTP

Once you have sent the OTP, you can verify it by comparing the OTP entered by the user with the one you sent.

but before doing that you have to generate twilio service sid from here and save it to your env file.

async function verifyOTP(phoneNumber, code) {
    const verificationCheck = await client.verify.v2.services(twilioServiceSid)
    .create({to: `+91${phoneNumber}`, code: code});
    if(verificationCheck.status === 'approved'){
      console.log("Verification successfull")

It is important to note that you need to keep track of the verification sid which is returned while creating verification, as it is needed to check the status of verification.

 I hope this guide will help you implement Twilio sms authentication flow.

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